Search & Filter Conditions#

In the Getting Started documentation we already saw how we can use the SearchBuilder to search for different documents in our indexes.

Beside search functionality the abstraction provides also different kind of filter conditions to build also complex overview pages for e-commerce or other kind of applications.

The following shows the basic usage as already shown in the “Getting Started” documentation. Under the $this->engine variable we assume that you have already injected your created Engine instance.


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(/* ... */)

foreach ($result as $document) {
    // do something with the document

$total = $result->total();


Currently only the Elasticsearch and Opensearch adapters supports to search on multiple indexes at once. The other adapters are not yet supporting to call addIndex multiple times and will fail so with an exception if you try to do so.



The SearchCondition is the most basic condition and can be used to search for a specific:


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(new Condition\SearchCondition('Search Term'))

The condition does only search on fields which are marked as searchable in the index configuration.


The EqualCondition is used to filter the result by a specific field value matching a given value.


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(new Condition\EqualCondition('tags', 'UI'))

The field is required to be marked as filterable in the index configuration, it can be also used on fields which are not marked as multiple.


The NotEqualCondition is used to filter the result by a specific field value not matching a given value.


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(new Condition\NotEqualCondition('tags', 'UI'))

The field is required to be marked as filterable in the index configuration, it can be also used on fields which are not marked as multiple.


The IdentifierCondition is a special kind of EqualCondition on the identifier field, if you want to load a document by its identifier this condition is faster in most search engines then using a EqualCondition.


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(new Condition\IdentifierCondition('23b30f01-d8fd-4dca-b36a-4710e360a965'))


The GreaterThanCondition is used to filter the result by a specific field value be greater than (>) the given value.


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(new Condition\GreaterThanCondition('rating', 2.5))

The field is required to be marked as filterable in the index configuration.


The GreaterThanEqualCondition is used to filter the result by a specific field value be greater than equal (>=) the given value.


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(new Condition\GreaterThanEqualCondition('rating', 2.5))

The field is required to be marked as filterable in the index configuration.


The LessThanCondition is used to filter the result by a specific field value be less than equal (<) the given value.


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(new Condition\LessThanCondition('rating', 2.5))

The field is required to be marked as filterable in the index configuration.


The LessThanEqualCondition is used to filter the result by a specific field value be less than equal (<=) the given value.


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(new Condition\LessThanEqualCondition('rating', 2.5))

The field is required to be marked as filterable in the index configuration.

Filter on Objects and Typed Fields#

To filter on Objects and Typed fields you need to use the . symbol as a separator between the object and the field.

For example for a document like this where the rating value is filterable:


$document = [
    'rating' => [
        'value' => '1.5'

Need to be queried this way <object>.<field>:


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(new Condition\LessThanEqualCondition('rating.value', 2.5))

To filter on Typed objects also the . symbol is used but the type name need to be included as well.

For example for a document like this where header media is filterable:


$document = [
    'header' => [
        'type' => 'image',
        'media' => 1

Need to be queried this way <object>.<type>.<field>:


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(new Condition\EqualCondition('', 21))

Also nested objects and types can be queried the same way.


Beside the searches and filters you can also limit the result by a given limit and/or offset.


$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(/* ... */)

With the limit and offset also a basic pagination can be created this way:


$page = 1; // get from query parameter
$pageSize = 10;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addFilter(/* ... */)
    ->offset(($page - 1) * $pageSize)

$total = $result->total();
$maxPage = ceil($total / $pageSize) ?: 1;

foreach ($result as $document) {
    // do something with the document


The abstraction can also be used to create complex overview pages where you not only can search or filter your results but also sort them by a given field.


use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addSortBy('rating', 'desc')

use Schranz\Search\SEAL\Search\Condition;

$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder()
    ->addSortBy('rating', 'asc')

The field is required to be marked as sortable in the index configuration.


After reading this documentation you should have a basic understanding how to use the abstraction to manage Indexes, add and remove Documents and how to search and filter the results. You should now be ready to start using the abstraction for your different kind of needs.

Missing something? Let us know by creating an issue on our Github Repository.